"Your results are on their way to your inbox." 
It may take up to five minutes, in the meantime...
Please take a minute to review the following
     information we have prepared for you.
 How to Quit or Control Sugar in Your Life, Stop the Cravings, Lose Weight and Keep It Off - All While Staying Sane and Enjoying a Normal Social Life.
Learn the two things no diet book will ever teach you about weight loss and sugar. Once you know these little know gems you’ll be free from sugar cravings FOREVER!
The benefits of not consuming sugar are pretty amazing. I lost weight. In fact, the weight came off more quickly than it ever did during every "diet" I ever tried.

My energy increased. I was concerned I would not have energy without a mid­day sugar treat. I was also afraid that I would not be able to sleep without a late night sweet snack. My energy returned and so did a good night's sleep.”
Karen, Erie PA
Have you ever been frustrated by your inability to keep your promise to yourself - like you’re wrestling with yourself - about quitting or reducing sugar?
  • Do you wake up in the morning and tell yourself that today is the day you’ll quit sugar - only to find yourself back in the sugar later in the day?
  • Do you lay your head on the pillow at night and swear to yourself that - tomorrow is the day you go the whole day without sugar?
  • Has your weight just crept up on you? Year after year even - just a few pounds a year?
  • Has your skin lost that youthful glow?
  • What about you “digestion”? Issues there too?
  • Do you find yourself hiding your sweet treats so they are there when you need/want them?
  • Have the intense cravings and awkward social and family situations been a problem?
  • Here’s one very few people put 2 + 2 together on - do you get strangely emotional when you quit sugar for a few days? Or even think about it?
  • What about your vision loss, hair loss and dental issues over the years?
  • Do you wake up in the morning and tell yourself that today is the day you’ll quit sugar - only to find yourself back in the sugar later in the day?
  • Do you lay your head on the pillow at night and swear to yourself that - tomorrow is the day you go the whole day without sugar?
  • Has your weight just crept up on you? Year after year even - just a few pounds a year?
  • Has your skin lost that youthful glow?
  • What about your “digestion”? Issues there too?
  • Do you find yourself hiding your sweet treats so they are there when you need/want them?
  • Have the intense cravings and awkward social and family situations been a problem?
  • Here’s one very few people put 2 + 2 together on - do you get strangely emotional when you quit sugar for a few days? Or even think about it?
  • What about your vision loss, hair loss and dental issues over the years?
Sugar has been tied to so many negative outcomes.
  • Added sugar contains no essential nutrients and is bad for your teeth. Our mom always told us about the teeth thing!
  • Added sugar is high in fructose, which can overload your liver
  • Overloading the liver with fructose can cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Sugar can cause insulin resistance, a stepping stone towards metabolic syndrome and diabetes
  • Due to its effects on hormones and the brain, sugar has unique fat-promoting effects
  • Because it causes massive dopamine release in the brain, sugar is highly addictive. It targets the same parts of the brain as cocaine and alcohol.
  • Sugar is a leading contributor to obesity in both children and adults
  • Added sugar contains no essential nutrients and is bad for your teeth. Our mom always told us about the teeth thing!
  • Added sugar is high in fructose, which can overload your liver
  • Overloading the liver with fructose can cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Sugar can cause insulin resistance, a stepping stone towards metabolic syndrome and diabetes
  • Due to its effects on hormones and the brain, sugar has unique fat-promoting effects
  • Because it causes massive dopamine release in the brain, sugar is highly addictive. It targets the same parts of the brain as cocaine and alcohol.
  • Sugar is a leading contributor to obesity in both children and adults
If this any of this is familiar to you - here’s a simple step by step plan to:
Quit or cut back on sugar once and for all.
These days you can’t open a magazine, log on to the Internet or turn on a newscast anymore without seeing the dangers of sugar.

Excess weight is now the least of our worries.  

For the first time in history a new generation of children are not expected to live as long as their parents.   

And one of the culprits is SUGAR.
Almost every best selling diet book ever printed has the same advice in it, no matter what else it says, you always see: 
Quit . The  . White  . Stuff!
Do a Sugar Detox!
  • The South Beach Diet
  • The Atkins Diet
  • The Paleo Diet
  • The Zone Diet
  • The Dukan Diet
  • The Protein Power Diet
  • The Ketogenic Diet
  • Sugar Busters (duh)
  • The Mediterranean Diet
  • The South Beach Diet
  • The Atkins Diet
  • The Paleo Diet
  • The Zone Diet
  • The Dukan Diet
  • The Protein Power Diet
  • The Ketogenic Diet
  • Sugar Busters (duh)
  • The Mediterranean Diet
And 100’s of others preach the same message…
...cut back or eliminate sugar!
(we have clients from every diet mentioned above and few hundred others!)
EVERYONE tries to quit or cut back.
The problem is that the are some “unknowns” that no diet, or the now even more popular - sugar detoxes, address.
Serious flaws in the presentation of the information and the continued support of the client exist.
One of the glaring flaws are the three industrial poisons - not sugar but related to sugar - in every diet that if continued to be ingested will guarantee failure! 

We believe the issue stems from a lack of actual long term successes in every program listed above and all the “johnny come lately” programs out there. 
3 or 10 or 21 or 30 days of a sugar detox - does not a balanced life make.
Most everyone ends up gaining all their weight back and then some!
Some folks can make it through the detox. They’ll see a little weight loss, sometimes a LOT of weight loss, they’ll feel better, look better, sleep better.

Then trouble starts --- and you know this statistic, it’s over 90% --- in the ability to maintain both the weight loss and the sugar control.

It’s a scientific fact that over 90% of people who lose significant amounts of weight gain it all back and most add a few pounds extra!
***THE LONG TERM RISKS OF SUGAR ADDICTION..................Page 21

     - There are over 146 physical diseases caused by sugar. We show them to you and back it up with the science.
Is sugar just that powerful?
So powerful that you can’t quit it?   

Are humans, once introduced to sugar, addicted like the rats in all the studies
We don’t think so.
What we have learned - from over 30 years of data - is that the average person, one who shows a susceptibility to sugar, will have a hard time quitting without the CORRECT Information and SUPPORT.
The information you need on how to quit for a week or a month is NOT the same information you need to make this a lifestyle change and to STAY STOPPED! 
To control sugar in your life in such a way that you feel good about your choices, enabling you to change your lifestyle.

It’s the long term lifestyle changes that are the most neglected out there.
And honestly, this is where most people fail.
But where does one get the right information? 


How do you know if it IS the right information?
Both great questions.

With all the diet and weight loss information online today that has now bled into the sugar addiction world as a “detox” - it's enough to confuse anyone.
So why and how is our “information” different?

In a word...experience.
We’ve coached people to long term success - and isn’t that what you’re after?
Our over 25 step by step videos and 100 plus paged book are like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. 

Drawn from the successes of 100’s people who are today enjoying a sugar free or reduced sugar life.
“Cutting Edge, Video Based, Step by Step Plan + Support = Success”
With our state of the art information delivery system you can look forward to:
  • Natural, steady weight loss with no crazy exercise. That’s right - this program requires ZERO exercise to work!
  • Your skin will glow in just a few weeks . This little unexpected side benefit seems to please everyone, women and men alike. 
  •  Greatly improved sleep . Finally, finally wake in the morning refreshed. 
  • Real, tasty food - no extra pills, potions or shakes to buy .
  • End sugar cravings forever . While seemingly impossible today - this is a true fact. 
  • A very specific meal plan - no guesswork on recipes. Having your food on “automatic” makes change doable. 
  • End “brain fog” in just a few weeks. Most folks never knew that the sugar caused brain fog and were so happy to be thinking clearly again.
  • Improve your mood quickly, heal your dopamine receptors. Sugar down-regulates your receptors - Sugar freedom brings them back!
  • Many people cut back or totally eliminate medications of all kinds. Diabetes meds, insulin the list is endless and that’s on doctors orders.
  • Make more satisfying food choices…When cravings are crushed you will make the right, healthy choices.
  • Increased energy - the best - longer more productive days and that mid-day exhaustion just evaporates.
  • Better concentration. That “scatter brained” feeling disappears and you can focus deeply for longer periods of time.
  • Learn to care for yourself in deep way. People resist this at first. It feels selfish. But then they just relish in it. Being kind to yourself is it’s own reward.
  • Take back control of your health. Deep down we know what we need to do. The feeling of wellness can’t be beat.
  • Natural, steady weight loss with no crazy exercise. That’s right - this program requires ZERO exercise to work!
  • Your skin will glow in just a few weeks . This little unexpected side benefit seems to please everyone, women and men alike. 
  •  Greatly improved sleep . Finally, finally wake in the morning refreshed. 
  • Real, tasty food - no extra pills, potions or shakes to buy .
  • End sugar cravings forever . While seemingly impossible today - this is a true fact. 
  • A very specific meal plan - no guesswork on recipes. Having your food on “automatic” makes change doable. 
  • End “brain fog” in just a few weeks. Most folks never knew that the sugar caused brain fog and were so happy to be thinking clearly again.
  • Improve your mood quickly, heal your dopamine receptors. Sugar down-regulates your receptors - Sugar freedom brings them back!
  • Many people cut back or totally eliminate medications of all kinds. Diabetes meds, insulin the list is endless and that’s on doctors orders.
  • Make more satisfying food choices…When cravings are crushed you will make the right, healthy choices.
  • Increased energy - the best - longer more productive days and that mid-day exhaustion just evaporates.
  • Better concentration. That “scatter brained” feeling disappears and you can focus deeply for longer periods of time.
  • Learn to care for yourself in deep way. People resist this at first. It feels selfish. But then they just relish in it. Being kind to yourself is it’s own reward.
  • Take back control of your health. Deep down we know what we need to do. The feeling of wellness can’t be beat.
The second key ingredient that most all “diet programs” leave out is the long term, ongoing support.

If they are successful at facilitating a great support system, then they need to sell you tons of other stuff (like food) to make a profit -- or they want to dictate to you your spiritual beliefs.
Sylvia from our private group says:
Members follow a system and more importantly they cultivate a new group of friends who teach and encourage them on their journey... 
- Even the most introverted people benefit from this.
What we have found in the years we’ve been running this program is that the connectivity of the Internet is more than enough for people to feel supported and get the inform

That’s all sugar use or misuse is - just a learned behavior.

Marguerite says:
Hi, my name is Michael Collins. 

By now, you’re probably asking...

Who am I and how can I make these claims?
  • I’ve been sugar-free for almost 30 years.
  • My wife and I raised two children sugar free from the womb to six years old after which time they only had sugar about once a month for their entire childhood. 
  • Over the years I’ve helped thousands of people quit or drastically cut back on sugar, lose weight and begin to trust themselves again.  
  • I’ve been working with people who want to change their lives for over 30 years, helping them to regain their lives ravaged by substance use disorders. 
  • To say this is my passion, my life's work, might be a touch of an understatement. :-) 
  • I’ve been sugar-free for almost 30 years.
  • My wife and I raised two children sugar free from the womb to six years old after which time they only had sugar about once a month for their entire childhood. 
  • Over the years I’ve helped thousands of people quit or drastically cut back on sugar, lose weight and begin to trust themselves again.  
  • I’ve been working with people who want to change their lives for over 30 years, helping them to regain their lives ravaged by substance use disorders. 
  • To say this is my passion, my life's work, might be a touch of an understatement. :-) 
One thing I can promise you is that you will never look at sugar again in the same way. And not in a negative, like you did something bad way, but more like you as a pioneer. Someone who saw, realized and conquered a really bad habit - and honestly folks that’s all it is.
Take a look at the results, from people just like you, who have worked with us at the “Quit Sugar Now” online institute.
Karen from Erie, Pa says:
“I followed Mike's advice and was kind to myself. Believe it or not that helped tremendously. There are ways to be kind to yourself without food! Who knew?”
I had decided that binge eating, diuretics and diet pills would be a better option. I was so unbelievably tired that I took speed to wake up in the morning. I once stayed awake all night thinking of the next best diet.

I felt like I was the fattest unhealthiest person I knew.” 

“It was so worth it! I got stronger, healthier and lowered my blood pressure and the best part I lost weight. The weight loss was natural and I didn’t need diet pills, diuretics or shakes anymore. 
Today I am 45 years old and proud to say I am sugar free!"
Nicki, Tampa, FL
So what’s included in the “Quit Sugar Now” video-based, online support system?
A complete 100+ page guidebook, complete with food plans and recipes. 
A complete 100+ page guidebook, complete with food plans and recipes. 
Every step of the journey is mapped out in deep, deep detail.  

Topics covered in detail include:
  • Sugar detox the easy way. We make it a game.
  • Are withdrawals real? And how to deal with them.
  • After the detox - the simple way to keep the weight off.
  • Exactly what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat.
  • Tasty recipes and meals for the entire week.
  • What to do about non-supportive family members.
  • Why social events will be easy if you follow this one rule.
  • How to be safe when you’re traveling.
  • Navigate sticky social situations with ease.
  • All this and more covered in depth.
AND if you’re not a big reader we have over 25 videos - almost three hours of instruction - that follows the study guide so you can just watch, instead of read, or download and listen on your phone!
Every chapter has a corresponding video to explain and walk you through!
Just a glimpse of what you’ll learn ...
  • If you’ve ever binged on sugar we’ll show you an easy way to stop and the connection to your sugar consumption.
  • How to curb the little white lies we tell ourselves so we can keep using sugar. We break it all down for you.
  • In order to make this happen sometimes you just need to go slower. We show you how to “go slower so you can go faster.”
  • “If someone talk to me the way I talked to myself I’d beat the crap out them.” -- Fast and simple ways to defeat negative self talk.
  • How to cut yourself some slack. How to be easy on yourself but still succeed.
  • You notice a theme here? This is no bootcamp. Being gentle with yourself is the ticket to sugar-freedom.
  • Self accountability that works and that doesn’t feel like restriction !
  • How to raise your self awareness and self acceptance in three easy steps .
  • How to stop beating yourself up for having no “willpower” and why this doesn’t take willpower at all. 
  • How to live in a sugary world when you’re a little different.
  • We show you a future of sugar freedom that you’ll actually want to live in!
  • Meet tons of sugar free brothers and sisters who’ve lost weight and don’t miss sugar. Our network is one of our secret weapons.
  • Can you image a life with no sugar cravings?
  • Spoiler alert! Your stomach will NEVER growl again. True fact!
  • A literal day to day schedule on how to easily manage your withdrawals mentally and physically - you need to be prepared to win.
  • Managing withdrawal: a 3 day, day-by-day outline that guides you. We even tell you what days of the week to start!
  • EXACTLY what to eat. A step by step food plan. No guess work involved.
  • The “automatic” nature of the food plan makes it simple.
  • Setting your boundaries with sugar. Never again worry what others will say or do when you attempt to change your habits around sugar.
  • We show you how to give and get “accountability love.” (People LOVE accountability love) .
  • How to be good to yourself. Who knew there were so many ways to pamper yourself?
  • Debunking exercise in weight loss and diet change. Myths exploded - you’ll be happy!
  • Another spoiler alert! Exercise is not for “burning calories” at all. This is for mental peace not sweating.
  • The “secret sauce” of our online forum and how to use it, even if you’re an introvert. How one new friend can change your life .
  • If you’ve ever binged on sugar we’ll show you an easy way to stop and the connection to your sugar consumption.
  • How to curb the little white lies we tell ourselves so we can keep using sugar. We break it all down for you.
  • In order to make this happen sometimes you just need to go slower. We show you how to “go slower so you can go faster.”
  • “If someone talk to me the way I talked to myself I’d beat the crap out them.” -- Fast and simple ways to defeat negative self talk.
  • How to cut yourself some slack. How to be easy on yourself but still succeed.
  • You notice a theme here? This is no bootcamp. Being gentle with yourself is the ticket to sugar-freedom.
  • Self accountability that works and that doesn’t feel like restriction !
  • How to raise your self awareness and self acceptance in three easy steps .
  • How to stop beating yourself up for having no “willpower” and why this doesn’t take willpower at all. 
  • How to live in a sugary world when you’re a little different.
  • We show you a future of sugar freedom that you’ll actually want to live in!
  • Meet tons of sugar free brothers and sisters who’ve lost weight and don’t miss sugar. Our network is one of our secret weapons.
  • Can you image a life with no sugar cravings?
  • Spoiler alert! Your stomach will NEVER growl again. True fact!
  • A literal day to day schedule on how to easily manage your withdrawals mentally and physically - you need to be prepared to win.
  • Managing withdrawal: a 3 day, day-by-day outline that guides you. We even tell you what days of the week to start!
  • EXACTLY what to eat. A step by step food plan. No guess work involved.
  • The “automatic” nature of the food plan makes it simple.
  • Setting your boundaries with sugar. Never again worry what others will say or do when you attempt to change your habits around sugar.
  • We show you how to give and get “accountability love.” (People LOVE accountability love) .
  • How to be good to yourself. Who knew there were so many ways to pamper yourself?
  • Debunking exercise in weight loss and diet change. Myths exploded - you’ll be happy!
  • Another spoiler alert! Exercise is not for “burning calories” at all. This is for mental peace not sweating.
  • The “secret sauce” of our online forum and how to use it, even if you’re an introvert. How one new friend can change your life .
We want this to be accessible to everyone no matter how much time they have.
Also, for a very limited time only we will be “Grandfathering In” a very small beta group of people to our already existing, high level, private forum as a test to see if we can have a higher percentage of success:
  • We would normally charge hundreds of dollars monthly for this level of support.
  • This SECRET, totally private forum group is free when you sign up today! The people in that group are kind, supportive and ready to help - because - “they’ve been where you are now”.
  • It’s the REAL secret sauce! Health professionals, working moms, busy executives and people from all walks of life all coming together to make sure you are successful.
  • We would normally charge hundreds of dollars monthly for this level of support.
  • This SECRET, totally private forum group is free when you sign up today! The people in that group are kind, supportive and ready to help - because - “they’ve been where you are now”.
  • It’s the REAL secret sauce! Health professionals, working moms, busy executives and people from all walks of life all coming together to make sure you are successful.
  • We would normally charge hundreds of dollars monthly for this level of support.
  • This SECRET, totally private forum group is free when you sign up today! The people in that group are kind, supportive and ready to help - because - “they’ve been where you are now”.
  • It’s the REAL secret sauce! Health professionals, working moms, busy executives and people from all walks of life all coming together to make sure you are successful.
This technology is incredible no matter who you are. 
No one in your circle will even know you are participating. You can be as active as you like or just listen for a time as real, live mentors guide you on your journey and answer all of your questions.

Once you’re an insider, once you’re in here you’ll wonder why how you lived you life without these folks in it. I’m dead serious. These people want you to become the best you possible.
Even if you’re in the middle of a binge at 2 in the morning, right now, just log on and get some support!
You read that right.
This benefit helps even the most introverted folks.
Totally non-judgmental, we only care that you are supported in your journey and have the answers to your questions when you need them!

I have an ulterior motive as well. 

This new group I’m forming will have in it everything we’ve learned over the last few years teaching this in a formal setting. I want to interview everyone personally so we know exactly what variables we need to watch to be even more successful!
Also included:
  • A guided, step by step Sugar Detox Plan - we even tell you which days are best!
  • What to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat it - NOTHING is left to chance 
  • Daily Menus so there is a clear road map of tasty foods to eat every day.
  • No pills, potions or shakes to buy.
  • A guided, step by step Sugar Detox Plan - we even tell you which days are best!
  • What to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat it - NOTHING is left to chance 
  • Daily Menus so there is a clear road map of tasty foods to eat every day.
  • No pills, potions or shakes to buy.
I know you’re wondering right now if you can afford all this.
I want to allow as many people as possible to have access to not only this information, but more important, the newest tribe we are forming.
I've set the price low enough to do just that.
We also want everyone to have a choice on how they participate. We understand that some folks just aren’t “joiners” - online or anywhere. No worries, we have you covered and you can even join us later after you’ve reviewed the materials...
If this type of video and audio based learning and rapid change system doesn’t work for you we still want you to be happy and pursue ways that might work for you.
Imagine ninety (90) days from today:
  •  You’ve dropped more weight than any diet you’ve ever been on, lost inches from your waist and you’re sleeping better to boot. Not to mention the lifting of the brain fog and the clearer skin.
  •  You actually feel comfortable saying no to sweets and people accept your new stance with ease. Icon: Change the icons in the settings.
  •  These benefits and more are now your new reality!
  •  You’ve dropped more weight than any diet you’ve ever been on, lost inches from your waist and you’re sleeping better to boot. Not to mention the lifting of the brain fog and the clearer skin.
  •  You actually feel comfortable saying no to sweets and people accept your new stance with ease. Icon: Change the icons in the settings.
  •  These benefits and more are now your new reality!
If by chance it’s not for you we want you to feel perfectly comfortable in asking for 100% of your purchase price to be refunded with absolutely no questions asked!
Let me take all the risk.
Our Iron Clad 100% No Questions Asked Refund Policy:
If at anytime in the next 90 days you feel like this way of quitting or controlling sugar in your life is not working for you just ask for a complete refund. No questions asked.
I'll see you on the inside real soon.

